Friday, July 30, 2010


How you can generate targeted traffic to your website and get your website highly ranked by search engines free of charge either for cost per action, affiliate marketing, blogging or Google adsense or any online business you do etc all for free.
Many people have found it difficult generating traffic to their site due to some reasons, but I will give practicable ways on how to generate traffic to your site. You might wonder why I used the word ‘targeted’ it is because if you send traffic to your website not much people will get involved but if you send targeted traffic more than half of them will get involved.
 I always advise you start from the foundation, take your time to write quality articles which has quality contents. It does matter how many articles you write but how good your article is, you have to write article that keeps the reader going not wanting to stop, that is if you want to really want to increase traffic to your website.
 Don’t ever go to the internet to steal anyone’s articles because Google will always find out, instead when you write an article go to this articlecity and polish it up, try to be original, always remember that you are writing your article to get audience so always do it with confidence.
 Always use quality keywords for your articles, the reason for keywords is that when you write article you will have a clue on what people want and the trend behind the keyword. You will also need to know the demand for a particular keyword that you use, this is due to the fact that when a keyword is highly demanded for with low competition of articles related to that keyword then you will be highly ranked and you will also make good money. all you have to do get the required tools for making these researches and sign up with them so as to start making good money using their tools:
o Google Keyword Tool :
o Yahoo keyword:
o Keyword country.
o Word tracker.
o Good keywords.
o Keyword discovery.
o Adword analyser
All these are important tools that will help you, for you to obtain or achieve quality result I will advise you to use combination of the tools. Some of them happens to be desktop software’s while order others are websites.

 Submit your blogs to blog directories, blog directories are site that generate a lot of traffic example ezine articles, goarticles and blogcatalogs etc.
 Register in forums and participate there effectively, also don’t forget Place your link on forums that relate to your articles in your website for example warriorforum, they pull a lot of traffic to your website, just try to be technical when answering their question.
 When you visit a website, blog related to yours always leave comments that will direct people to your site, the reason is that search engines especially Google ranks a website that is linked to other websites which means it that the website must have valuable contents.
 Create free products for your audience that will help distinguish you from others may be software’s, eBooks any thing that you know they will cherish e.g. free downloads.
 Always keep posting new articles and editing existing one for better outcome.
 Try to use autoresponder for your mail list; this can help to reply your audience automatically and create a better relationship with your audience.
 Create an interesting video, edit it towards the ending and put your website so as to refer people to your website and post it on YouTube.
 Join ANSWER GROUPS participate in the groups related to your website and post your link, this really works like magic, you can get more answer groups on Google, the benefit of these answer groups is that when you join a group related to your website it will help get targeted traffic to your website.
 Submit your website to webmasters like submitexpress, jayde.these webmaster help to send you traffic to your website regularly, all you have to do is submit your website to them once every month etc
 Review and edit your website regularly so that your website will not be outdated and helps to build confidence in your audience letting them know that you know what you are doing and help to draw back old visitors.
 Create a sitemap this way is better than just adding your site to Google webmaster; you will notice that your website will come out faster in search results.
 Get your website optimized for better ranking such as keyword density which is one of the major factors search engines especially Google use to rank your website.
Note: whenever you are writing on any answer group, forum or blog make sure you write something that is compelling enough for the reader to focus on your article.
 Make sure that your website loads fast and is easily accessible without scrolling sideways to see what is at the other end.
 Finally put yourself in the shoes of your audience, you can never generate traffic to your website if the articles you have are not appealing to you because definitely it will not be appealing to your audience.
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