Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Most people have found it difficult to make money through Google adsense, while most people made a living from it. Google adsense has turned out to be an independent online business which people has gotten involved in and resigned from their pay jobs; you also can be successful in adsense. All you need is a proven system that has worked over and over again and that I am here to give you detailed information on how to start as a novice and become a professional in Google adsense.
The first step is by opening a Gmail account. Your question will be what is the Gmail account for? The Gmail account is essential in creating both your blog site and adsense account and creating your RSS feed account. Creating Gmail account is no more as easy as it was because these days you have to verify your account to confirm the country you are from but that shouldn’t discourage you because this Gmail will grant you access to your Google Adword account, Google adsense account and so many more so just follow the rules laid down for you.
Secondly create a blog site using your Gmail account, you don’t have to worry about creating blogs because they are easy to create but if you still need help on how to create a blog, it is done in three steps

The first thing in creating a blog site is creating your account; there you are to fill your email address, password, display name, word verification and you read the terms of service select it and click continue, just as seen below
The next step is to name your blog by choosing a blog title and a blog address and click continue

Click continue and you will be taken to where you will choose a template for your site, select the one you like and your blog will be created.

You will begin to write your articles and start posting, but mind you, you will have to write quality articles that will make your audience to keep on reading, one way to know if it is appealing to your readers is to check if they are appealing to you and don’t write on a topic you don’t know much about just someone else wrote on it and he or she is making an income from it but instead write on what you know very well, something you are passionate about. Your will ask where you can get topic to write on? One place you can get topic from is from message boards or groups.
1. The good news is that with Microsoft 2007 you can write, design and add pictures, then eventually publish your post online. So you see it is an advantage for windows users. But to enjoy this you have to register your blog site first. How to do this is in two ways, the first is to write design and add picture as you normally do in word and then click on publish it opens another page ( where you will get this publish is on the Microsoft office button on Microsoft word which looks like the start menu button on your system) then click on blog ,it will open up another page containing all you have done on the previous page, it will ask you to register for those that have registered by giving you a link where to click, so for those that have registered click on register later and then type in your post title, click on manage account enter your blog details and click on publish. Second method is to Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click New. Double-click new blog post and In the Register a Blog Account dialog box; click Register Now to register your blog account with Word, after which start writing, designing and publishing your post.

NOTE: you don’t need a blog if you already have a website, and i will advise you to use website to be on the safer side this due to the reason that you will have control over your website creation without anybody shutting down website, this one of the danger you can face while using blog for your site creation.
Keyword research is very important tool in GOOGLE ADSENSE due to the fact that you need to know what people want, what they highly demand for, and what is the competition behind each keyword you are writing upon and to do these you will need some keyword research tools to be successful in the process. Some of these tools are normal websites such as Google and Yahoo while others are desktop software’s, I will always advise you to use combination of these tools to get quality result. To get detailed information on keyword research tools you can visit my site for more information.
Traffic generation is one of the major factors that determines if you will get paid or how much you will be paid. People find websites and blogs by search for information on search engine such as Google and yahoo, this is where traffic generation comes in, so when they type in keyword related to your websites or blogs contain these information appears as the search result. One thing that affects traffic generation is website ranking, this is because the more your site is ranked the more you will get more traffic and the more money you will make. One of the factors search engines use to get your site ranked is the quality of information that is on your site or blog, another is the number of site that are linked to you. To find out more on this website generation and ranking visit my site for more detailed information.
After generating traffic to your blog or site the next thing is to create an adsense account. Please make sure you give them the right details I am emphasising on it due to this is what they will use to send you your check. After that wait for some hours so that your adsense account will be completely created.
The next step is to modify your adsense account in such a way that you want Google to place adverts on your website and to also help you track which advert placements makes more money for you, this is known as optimizing with channels.
What are channels? In a lay mans way channels are links which is used to place advert on your site, enable you to view detailed reporting about the performance and earnings of specific pages and ad units of your site. There are two types of channels which are URL and custom channels.
URL Channels can be used to track your performance without modifying your ad code just by entering a full or partial URL e.g. instead of, it can be used to track the performance of a particular page.
While Custom channels allow you to track the performance of specific ad units based on your specified criteria. By pasting channel specific ad code into your pages. You can turn your custom channel to ad placement on which advertisers place there adverts but there are criteria for that. Custom Channels
Custom channels can be used to help you track which ad colours, formats, and placements are most effective on your site, or to provide answers to questions like:
Which ad units are the highest earners on my home page?
Leader board at the top of the page?

URL Channels are easy to create and implement through your AdSense account. To find out how, let's take a look at an example.
Ben owns a site about books --, and wants to know if his AdSense ads are performing better on article pages or in forum sections.
He would do this in 2 easy steps:
The first step is to log in and click on the AdSense Setup tab. A row of links will appear beneath the tabs - click the Channels link.
Next, make sure you are on the sub tab for the right product, ‘AdSense for content or AdSense for search’ and that you're creating a URL channel rather than a custom channel. Click the Add new URL channel link, and then create a new channel for each directory by entering their addresses (omitting the 'www') into the resulting box.
In this case we'll create two channels: One for to track the combined ad performance across all of Ben’s articles, and another for to monitor for all of Ben’s forum sections. Once created, URL channels begin collecting statistics instantly.

Example, John owns a site about cars. His homepage currently has three ad units and one link unit, and John wants to find out which of the units is performing most effectively. To do so, he'll create a separate custom channel for each of the four units to monitor their performance.
Creating and implementing custom channels requires a more involved process than that for URL channels. No worries - I’ll show you how to create custom channels in 4 easy steps:
Start off by logging in to your account and clicking the AdSense Setup tab, followed by the Channels link. For this scenario, we'll be looking at AdSense for content custom channels, so make sure you're on the right product and channel sub tab. Then click the Add new custom channel
The next step is naming your channels.
It's important to be precise and consistent when naming custom channels. The more information you provide in the name about where and how the ad unit is being used, the easier it will be to identify later, when you're generating your channels reports. For the example used here, we suggest names like:

You'll notice that all of these names follow the pattern Page+Location+Ad Format+Color Palette. This is a pattern we've found useful, but feel free to use whichever method works best for you.
Enter the channel names into the new channel box and click Add channels.

Now you can create your channel-specific ad code. Once your names are in place, click the AdSense Setup tab, and then choose AdSense for content as the product.

Continue to choose the ad type, ad format, and colour palette as you would normally, then in the Channels section,

select the name of the channel(s) you'd like to add by clicking the Add>> link (you can add up to 5),

and click Continue to see your choices reflected in the ad layout code.

Finally, you'll copy-and-paste the code into your WebPages. The channel identifier within your code will immediately begin tracking performance. If you already have ad code on these pages, you should replace it with the new channel-specific code. After this go to webmaster tools add and verify your website so that google spiders can always crawl out your site whenever people type keywords related to your site, also add your site to AOL, MSN and YAHOO.
This is the reason why we ever started the article to make money. Google happens to have a very large sets of advertisers who are trying to advertise on Google but due to the fact that they won’t have time to start creating website of different kinds for people to advertise, they decided to create adsense so that you and i who have the opportunity to create site can advertise for them and earn money. Now to make money from adsense as you have created your channels in your adsense account and pasted in your site, you will begin to see Google’s advert on your site or blog, once people visiting your site click on these advert the advertisers pay while Google you and i are also paid, so you see Google adsense is a very interesting and reliable source for people like you and I to make money, but i must tell you before you start making decent income from adsense you have to put in as much time as possible to make it a success.
To see how to make extra income with your blog or site you have created visit my site for more detailed information.

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